Vanagon pop top insulation idea

I’m planning on gluing in this stuff on the ceiling of the pop top. It is about 3/8″ thick polyethylene closed cell foam. I’m still at a loss whether I should cover it after install, and with what. One guy on the samba insulated with refletrix then covered with fleece. No pictures of that and I can’t imagine how that would look.

  1. #1 by David Rodriguez on June 6, 2011 - 9:55 pm

    How heavy is that stuff? Are you looking primarily for sound or temperature insulation? Could you cover it with an upholstery fabric? Or maybe something more flexible like T-Shirt jersey knit fabric. And there’s always purple shag 🙂

    • #2 by albell on June 6, 2011 - 10:25 pm

      mostly temp insulation. The foam is pretty light, about the same as sleeping pad foam, the blue cheap ones.

      Mold resistant fabric would be good. I’ve seen hull “carpet” used on the ceiling, but I don’t need that thickness with the foam.


      PS the shag has been discounted 🙂

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